Ahh, it’s good to be home. I had 3 midnight shifts scheduled over the weekend. Hearing all the forecasts about the ice storm, I brought some clothes, food, a sleeping bag, and a pillow up to work and stayed in Headquarters from Friday night to Monday morning to make sure I could work my shifts. I also thought that chances were very high that I might be able to get some overtime on Monday. I set up camp in a quiet, unused office, turned off the lights, and managed to get decent amount of sleep each day. I tried to stay out of sight so I wouldn’t have to explain myself to people. It felt a little like being homeless, sneaking through the darkness, walking softly, turning off the lights if someone was coming. Sunday morning a cleaning lady opened my door to vacuum and was quite surprised to find a strange guy on the floor in a sleeping bag. I showered in the locker room and used the computer in my “hotel room” to monitor the weather and email my people. Sure enough, I got called in for two overtime shifts on Monday. Finally, exhausted, I drove to my home in Fort Worth Monday night and slept in my soft bed, thankful for safe passage and a fatter paycheck but also thankful that it was over. I woke up shortly before noon the next day.