Bucket List

Some of you might have seen a 2007 movie called The Bucket List, starring the great Jack Nicholson and the (even better?) Morgan Freeman. In case you haven’t, it’s about two older men who learn that they are both dying of cancer. Instead of wasting away in a hospital bed waiting for the end, they make a “bucket list” of things they want to do before they, well, kick the bucket. Then they escape from the hospital and start checking things off. I really enjoyed the movie on many levels, especially the premise. It got me thinking: what would be on MY bucket list? Should I make one? If so, why shouldn’t I start checking things off now? Here are a few items on my list in no particular order:

  • Go skydiving (but I promised Mom I would wait until after she, um, kicks the bucket because the very idea of me skydiving terrifies her)
  • Watch Wimbledon live.
  • Go into space and orbit the earth. If I’d said that 100 years ago, people would have laughed at me. Now it’s reality if you can afford it.
  • Cage dive with great whites in Australia.
  • Watch the Stars play a Canadian team IN CANADA. Ideally it would be Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, but another game would be OK, too.
  • See Victoria Falls in Zambia.
  • Meet one of the children we sponsor through WorldVision.
  • Personally lead someone to Christ.
  • Somehow acquire a huge amount of money and use it to create a charitable foundation.
  • Drive a Dodge Viper.
  • Fly in a 747. Preferably business class in the “bubble” on top.
  • Run a half-marathon.
  • Meet my grandchildren.
  • Pay off my house.
  • Get a screenplay produced.
  • Visit the Holy Land.
  • Take Jenny on a Mediterranean cruise. (btw, Jenny is somehow involved in most of these even if I don’t mention her each time)
  • Leave a $100 bill as a tip for a really good waiter.

That’s a good start, I think. Some might be possible within the next few years. Others might be impossible. Either way, it’s good to have goals to pursue. Now it’s your turn! Write up your own bucket list and post it here.