We’ve gotten through one week! It has crossed my mind that someday Brenden might not like having had all the details of his pottytraining days posted on the Interwebs. May he forgive me.
He’s actually doing pretty well. At home, he is in underwear when awake and pull-ups when asleep. Away from the house, it depends. Most of the time, he’s in pull-ups there, too. Jenny did take him for a haircut Saturday morning in underwear, and I’m proud to say he had NO accidents! As he grows more reliable, we’ll try going other places that way. Overall, I’d say we have a 70-80 percent success rate. We ask him repeatedly whether he needs to visit the potty and also take him there frequently, which makes a big difference. Each success earns him a sticker on a chart. Once he fills the chart, we take him somewhere fun such as Baskin-Robbins or Chick-Fil-A. Although not always pleasant, this is an exciting time, and we’re proud of our little guy who’s not so little anymore.