Jumping Ship

UPDATE: Well, it turns out that it takes a few days to transfer a domain (the web address of a site) from one host to another, so for now I’m still on the old host. I had to do SOMETHING to the site, so I switched back to the old layout. To me it seems a little simpler and cleaner, and I like the Alaska picture at the top. What do you think? Vote in the new poll at the right.

I also moved the Comments link to the end of each post instead of the top, figuring that position made more sense.


Since I started AndyBox.com back in 2001, I have paid a company called HostMySite.com to, well, host my site. Another company called Hosting.com bought it a year or two ago. In ways I won’t bore you with, Hosting.com has displeased me and must be punished. I plan to move the site to another hosting company Saturday night after we get back from Babe’s and put the boys to bed.

Why do you care? Because I’m not sure it’s going to work.

Actually, I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to move the site, but I don’t know how long it will take or what problems I’ll encounter. If you try to visit on Saturday night or Sunday and the site isn’t available, now you’ll know what happened. Check back later.

And pray.