The “finding out” story – a guest blog

So, everyone immediately asks us “how did you find out?” when we tell them about BabyBox being on the way. And my response of “at the chiropractor” usually makes them look at me funny, so I thought I’d share the whole thing.

Background story: Andy and I decided this fall that adoption was the path for us. So I stopped keeping track of all the details of my cycle, like what day I was on and when I would ovulate. Before then, if you asked me on any given day what day I was on, I could give you down to the hour what was going on. November was the very first month that I had no clue what was going on because I purposefully put it out of my head.

So, when a month came and went, I didn’t really have an idea what day I was on. Andy had asked me if I was late, and I said “probably – but I’m sure it’s just stress. I’ll test next week if I haven’t started.”

Anyway, on with the story: I had gone the week before to start treatment at Parker chiropractic college because I have screwed up my neck somehow. We went over the full medical history including all the infertility stuff, and he said to come back in on Wednesday to start treatment. Well, wednesday he called, and the lab was closed for the rest of the week. I think they were doing testing for new students. So we recheduled for Monday.

Saturday was my yearly ornament exchange, and the ornament I nearly ended up with was a “baby’s first christmas” one – which I wasn’t too bothered by, but a few of my family members nearly had a heart attack. I was thinking it would be more useful next Christmas, since we were adopting, you see. My mother in law stole it from me so I didn’t have to keep it.

Monday I went in to the Chiro, Jeb – he cracks me up. He sounds like a surfer and thought my heel pain was “awesome”. He said that we needed to do some xrays to check out my neck and lower back before we started treatment, but that we needed to do a preg test first if I hadn’t started my cycle recently. He asked the date of my last period, and I had to sit and think for a minute.

“The 29th?”

“Of November?”

“No, of October.”

He took me to the lab to pee in a cup. The entire time I’m all nonchalant, thinking that this is sort of silly because there’s NO WAY I could be pregnant. We’re adopting, you see! God has closed that door!

After doing the deed, which is always awkward, (They give you really big cups! What do they think I am, a horse?) I went back to the little room to wait. Jeb came by and said we needed to go do xrays, so I assumed the test was negative. As we went down the hallway, he said we needed to stop by and pick up my paperwork at the lab. As we pick it up, he hands it to me and says, “Wanna see the results?”

I looked at the paperwork, and in big, highlighted letters, it said:



A full minute of silence follows as I try to wrap my head around what positive means. Positively not pregnant? Positive you can go do xrays?


Jeb starts laughing. The nurse starts laughing. She asks if I want to see the test. I’m trying (unsuccessfully) to explain that there’s NO WAY that can be positive because we’ve been doing this for two years and what the heck? She hands me a test that is as positive as it can be.

Then the hugging starts. I still don’t know the nurse’s name, but she was really nice. She said they tried for four years before they got pregnant, and I think I made Jeb’s year. How often does a chiro get to give that kind of news?

I drove home about to burst and walked into an empty house. Andy had gone grocery shopping and was being all responsible and stuff. I’ll have to let him tell that side of the story from his point of view.