Our sellers requested two repairs: replacing the fireplace vent cover on the side of the house and repairing a leaky faucet in the backyard. Ever eager to save money, especially on this house, I attempted to repair both. As you might already know from previous posts, my do-it-yourself projects in the past often follow this pattern: 1) Discover a problem. 2) Get excited about fixing it myself and try to figure out how to do it. 3) Attempt repair. 4) When repair doesn’t work or makes it even worse, try something else. 5) Give up and call a pro. I have almost fixed the fireplace vent cover, but I finally threw in the towel on the faucet. I found several articles online about how EASY it is to fix a leaky faucet. Unfortunately for me, the directions don’t seem to match my faucet. I don’t know why. Since I broke off part of the faucet handle trying to remove it (who knew those were so flimsy?), and I have to get the handle off to get to the washer that’s supposedly causing the leak, I finally asked for some quotes from real plumbers. I’ve never hired a plumber before. I’m almost embarrassed to do so, afraid that he’ll laugh condescendingly as he fixes the leak in ten seconds with a flat-head screwdriver and then hands me a bill for $200. But at least the job will be done, and my buyers will be happy.