Urban Dictionary

Ever hear a slang word or phrase and been unsure what it means? Did you try to look it up in Webster’s without success? What you need is either A) a friend who knows things, or B) UrbanDictionary.com. Just a warning: some of the language is a little rough, so stay away if you’re easily offended. They post a new word or phrase daily. One example is “dudevorce“, defined as “When two male best friends officially end their friendship over a lame disagreement, usually concerning a girl”. Another is “The Spousal We,” or “The opposite of the royal we, meaning ‘you’. Used by your significant other to get you to do something, as in, ‘We need to take out the garbage’ “. One of the funniest is “rebooty“, or a booty call with an ex.

On top of being helpful, UrbanDictionary is a good example of the constant evolution of English. The Internet and other forms of mass communication have made it SO much easier and faster for new words and phrases to spread. A change that centuries ago might have taken decades to catch on might only take a few months or years today. It’s hard to keep up!