Cleared for Takeoff on Runway 13R

Happy new year, everyone! I had to work the morning of New Year’s Day, so we just relaxed at home the night before and went to bed early. Jenny and I celebrated our 3-year anniversary on Wednesday, Jan 4. It’s hard to believe we’ve been married so long already! We went to the Stars-Canucks game that night to celebrate. Congrats to the Longhorns on their national championship! Once Baylor fell out of contention for the title, I decided to pull for the Horns this year. I’ve started my next class, Airline Operations and Management, which should be interesting. Finally, as of today I am an official dispatcher for Southwest. My first solo shift is this afternoon working departures from the northeast going to the south. I’m working afternoons exclusively through February. This is the day I’ve been preparing for since the fall of 2002, and it feels great.