Happy Father’s Day!

It’s been a while since I posted, so I thought today would be a good day to do so. First – Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there – I hope you have a wonderful day full of people telling you how great you are. But this post is about how great my husband is after his first full year of being a dad – so here’s the “Observations from a new momma – brag on the new daddy edition”:

the Dude and his dad

the Dude and his dad

1. From day one, Andy took the attitude of “other than breastfeeding, if Jenny can do it for Brenden, I can do it, too”. He’s changed diapers and given baths, fed him bottles and cleaned up messes. He knows his schedule and can give him whatever he needs without too much encouragement from my end. I’m proud of how well he can care for his son!
2. Brenden lights up when Andy walks in the room. There’s no one who gets a bigger smile than when he first sees Daddy each day.
3. Andy can get Brenden to laugh this great full belly laugh that you can hear throughout the house. Even when B has to stay still for a diaper change.
4. As much as it stresses Andy out, he’s willing to lend a hand when we eat out with Brenden. If you’ve been around B for very long, you know he can sit still for all of 2 seconds before he’s ready to move, so restaurants are always a challenge. But Andy helps with feedings and toys to keep him busy so that we can spend time with friends or family, which is a HUGE deal for me. Thanks, hubs!
5. It still cracks me up when I look at Brenden and see a little version of Andy looking back at me. There is no doubt he is daddy’s boy!
6. Whenever I go out for a day and Andy spends the day with B, I am always so encouraged when I come home to find a house still in one piece, and two happy boys playing in the floor.

Happy Father’s day, hubs – I’m so happy to get to do this parenting thing with you!