I’m a bit confused by all of the recent protests over the pending immigration legislation. The protesters seem to want the right to ignore the law and to live and work in whatever country they want without following the proper procedures. It is true that America is a nation of immigrants, and I don’t have a problem with people who come here legally. Indeed, although not perfect by any means, America is a great place to live. I understand why so many Mexican nationals want to escape the poor living conditions in Mexico and come here to live and work. I respect their drive to change their situation and take better care of their families. I’m sure I would do the same if possible. The problem is the ones who do it without documentation. Some get paid in cash, so their employment is off the record and invisible to the government. Others get fake documentation, which isn’t that difficult if you know where to go. They come here and use our services (county hospitals, freeways, etc.) but generally don’t pay many of the taxes they owe, leaving the legitimate taxpayers like me to pick up the tab. My sister (a labor and delivery nurse) will tell you that in some hospitals like Parkland in Dallas, the majority of the patients have no health insurance. They just show up at the hospital wanting a doctor to deliver their baby, knowing the hospital can’t turn them away. Some of them, like the man who rear-ended me in 2004, drive around with no license and no insurance, hoping they won’t get caught. If declaring them all felons is the only way to do it, so be it. I don’t know what the best answer is, but something needs to change.
On a happier note, tomorrow is Jenny’s 30th birthday! We’re having a pizza and skating party in Irving to celebrate. =)