June Random Facts

It’s been a while for these, too! I’ve done so many of these that I worry about repeating one. =) Happy reading.

  1. In eighth grade I won the school and district spelling bees and got to advance to the county level. We competed a Skyline High School in Dallas. I think I came in ninth after misspelling “leucitite“. I also won my school spelling bee in fifth grade, but I lost at the district level. That time I missed “grammar”.
  2. I have trouble remembering things that I hear, especially if I hear lots of info at once. For that reason alone, I could not be a pilot or a Starbucks barista.
  3. On my nights off, sometimes I go to the local discount movie theater and watch scary movies for $1.75 since Jenny doesn’t like them.
  4. Part of me hopes I have a good excuse to get in a fight someday so I’d know how I would do.
  5. I enjoy poker but am not very good at it so far. Part of my strategy has involved being unpredictable to throw off the competitors who actually know what they’re doing. But I’ve been studying strategy and playing online in case I decide to play in Vegas.
  6. During a trip to New York during college, I ate in a cafe near the stuttering lawyer from My Cousin Vinny.
  7. One of my profs got busted for child pornography. I always thought he was kinda weird and creepy. I also didn’t like him because he gave me a B in World Cultures III. I didn’t suspect the kiddie porn at the time, but it didn’t surprise me when the news came out.
  8. I think the war on drugs is unwinnable and not worth fighting. Ditto for the war on terror. Our government cannot rid the world of every thing that’s unpleasant. Let’s spend all that money on problems we can actually help to solve, like the energy crisis and poverty.
  9. One time in high school I played paintball with my youth group. Although I had welts on my legs for days afterward, they were totally worth it.
  10. I think pregnant women are sexy, but I can’t explain why.