Due to a hardware problem, my home Internet connection has been down ever since I returned from New York, and my ISP took their sweet time fixing it. But now it’s back. It’s amazing to me how cut off I felt without Internet access from home. I’ve grow so accustomed to checking my email throughout the day, researching various topics that enter my head, banking online, and reading the news at will that it was disturbing to lose the ability. Plus it was difficult to participate in my online course. During the outage I put together a US Open trip page with the story of our trip and several pictures. I hope this makes up for the long gap since my last blog entry. Eventually (read: once school is done) I might set up a Hobbies section with pages on photography, wine, running, or whatever other hobbies I want to share with you. I mainly take pictures on vacation, but some of them turn out well, so I keep doing it even though I don’t really know what I’m doing.