These are good days. If all goes as planned, one month from today I’ll be done with school and headed to Fort Lauderdale with my beloved to board our cruise ship. My car is finally running fine again. The temperature is cooling off. We’ve gotten some good rain lately. We had a great time in Vegas, and you can read about our trip on my new Vegas trip page. The Stars are playing again. I’m working lots of midnight shifts this month. I’m working out consistently, although I’ve pretty much ruled out the Rock and Roll Half-Marathon for this year. Sure, there are plenty of things I could stress about – how much longer my car will run without expensive repairs, when we should move closer to work, what those lab results will say, etc. But I’m trying to worry less, relax, and trust God more since He is the only one who knows what’s coming next. For some reason, I’m remembering the tremendous value of perspective. There are positives and negatives to just about anything if you look hard enough, and we all get to choose which to focus on.