So, Brenden turns 4 months old later this month. He’s been around for almost a third of a year! We’ve headed into the territory of “almost a year ago you found out you were pregnant” and “last Thanksgiving there were no babies around” comments – it’s weird to think about because it seems like he’s always been here. So here are some new observations for you to think about:
* B sticks his bottom lip out as far as humanly possible before crying. The farther out the lip is, the louder the cry will be once he gets it worked up.
* The boy is going to be tall – he’s wearing 6-9 month outfits, but some of them are too short, so he looks like he’s wearing man-pris (boy capris) all the time. I even had to go buy new socks because the old ones are too short for his big feet.
* It’s so fun to watch the rest of our family dote on him. Since I see his cuteness all day everyday, I’m not as tuned in to the novelty of it.
* Since hubs works nights, there are time periods when both Andy and Brenden are sleeping. They look alike when they’re awake, but when they’re sleeping, it’s really freaky.
* He likes to talk. Especially when he thinks no one is paying attention.
* Two things we’re very glad for: He hasn’t developed a fear of other people, and he can sleep anywhere. Hopefully this will stay around!
* Isn’t it amazing that we will go out of our way to act like an idiot to get a baby to smile at us, but we don’t make any effort at all with the adults around us?
* A friend of mine at work, when she returned from maternity leave, made a comment about wanting another one because hers was so grown. He was only about three months and I thought she was crazy. I understand that now!
* Trying to dress a kid that can grasp things is like trying to dress a cat. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem worth it. 🙂
*We’ve started trying to set up a bedtime routine. We read the Very Hungry Caterpillar and sing a few songs before each time he sleeps. I can’t remember the lyrics to anything, so we’ve been singing Christmas carols.
*We’ve renamed the vibrating bouncy seat the “poop chair”. If he sits in it longer that a few minutes, he’s gonna need a new diaper.
That’s it for now! I’ll try to get some new pics up soon – we haven’t taken many lately!